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Posts tagged ‘herpes zoster’

The Facts about Herpesvirus Infection

Herpesvirus infections are one of the common sexually transmitted infections among people of all ages. It has been found that one in every six persons in the age group 14 to 49 is prone to the disease. This infection is caused by the herpes simplex virus. There are two types of herpesvirus, HSV-1 mainly causes lesions and blisters around the mouth and HSV 2 mainly causes lesions in the genital areas. After the first infection the virus travels to the nerve tissue and remain dormant for some time. Reactivation of the virus occurs when the immune system of the body weakens.


Causes of Genital Herpesvirus Infection

The herpesvirus enters the body through small and even microscopic cuts or tears in the skin, mucous membranes and in tissues. The infected person can spread the disease to another person even when they do not have any signs or symptoms of the disease. Avoiding sexual intercourse with the person having blisters of herpes does not prevent the chances of infection. The frequency of outbreaks of herpesvirus infection will depend on the efficiency of an individual’s immune system.

Transmission of Herpesvirus

Herpes simplex virus is transmitted from one person to another through intimate contact. Genital herpes are transmitted through sexual contact involving the genital organs or through mouth to genital contact with a person having herpes sores in the mouth. The fluids in the blisters or sores contain the virus and any type of contact with the fluid leads to infection. The chances of transmitting the disease from infected male to female partner is more compared to the transmission of the disease from a woman to a male.

Signs and Symptoms of Herpesvirus Infection

Many people infected with herpesvirus may not have any symptoms or have mild symptoms which are usually mistaken for other health conditions. The symptoms when expressed include

  • Painful sores, blisters, rashes in the genital area, mouth or rectum
  • Blisters break to form sores that will not heal for weeks
  • Burning, itching or tingling sensation in the skin
  • In women, lesions are seen on the vulva and may lead to inflammation of cervix
  • Some individuals may have fever and body ache
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Pain during urination when infection occurs in the urethra

The first outbreaks are usually more severe than the repeat outbreaks. The number of outbreaks reduces over time.

How Herpes Infection is Diagnosed?

Your doctor will be able to diagnose herpes by looking at the signs and symptoms. Viral cultures using the sample from the sore or blister also help to confirm the herpesvirus infection. It is not possible to completely cure the disease; however, it is possible to reduce the outbreaks by using appropriate medicines.

How to Prevent Herpesvirus Infection?

Preventing the disease is very difficult as most of the infected people may not have any visible symptoms.

  • Since this infection is spread through intimate contact it is better to avoid vaginal, anal or oral sex with a person having active blisters.
  • You can lower the chances of getting herpesvirus infection being in a monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested negative for STDs.
  • Using condoms whenever you are having sex offers protection to a certain extent
  • Avoid sharing clothing, razors, syringes, etc.

Risks Associated with Herpes Infection

Genital herpes infection can affect the overall health of the person and regular outbreaks can cause discomfort to the person and to the partner.

  • In people with suppressed immune system the infection can be severe and painful
  • When you touch the sores, the fluid will be transferred to other parts of the body, spreading the infection.
  • If the person is pregnant the disease can affect the unborn child causing neonatal herpes which are deadly
  • Genital herpes infection (read more: ) can cause miscarriage or early delivery

It is important that you consult a doctor if you notice any of the symptoms of herpesvirus infection, or if your partner has any symptoms of the disease or if you suspect that you have been exposed to virus by any other way. Get examined by a doctor if you see any unusual and painful sores, smelly discharge from genital organs, burning sensation while urinating or in the case of women bleeding between periods. These can be symptoms of STDs which require proper and prolonged treatment. If you are having regular herpesvirus outbreaks, the doctor may suggest antiviral medications or other suppressive therapy to reduce the occurrence of herpes outbreaks.

Click here and learn how to stop herpes now!

Herpes Treatment For A More Comfortable Life

You will find eight different strains of the virus, probably the most broadly identified is Herpes Simplex (HSV1) leading to genital and dental offered sores and also the other is Herpes Zoster (HSV2) the reason for shingles. It affects males and ladies and is passed onto newborns. Herpes treatment can be achieved homeopathically or if you take conventional medication to help keep breakouts at least.  There’s no remedy for the condition.

You will find different stages from the disease from primary to latent and losing. Primary may be the first stage after infection. Latent happens when signs and symptoms are absent however the disease is distributing from a person’s skin towards the nerves. Losing happens when herpes starts to multiply also it can spread at this time around despite the fact that you will find no visible signs and symptoms. It’s a difficult virus to deal with as it can certainly remain dormant within the nerves close to the spine.


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Herpes Natural Home Remedies

Herpes Natural Home Remedies

It’s very simple to incorporate herpes natural home remedies into your specific diet. Infections are expert at mutating and therefore hard to treat. Herpes remains dormant within the nerves until a demanding situation happens and also the defense mechanisms is low. Naturopathic remedies include Nosides that are imprints from the virus to inspire it with an immune response. Herpes isn’t treated however the defense mechanisms is created more powerful in Ayurvedic medicine which produces less breakouts.

HSV1 or Herpes Simples is easily the most common number of herpes. It’s signs and symptoms include dental and genital fever blisters and fever sore spots. HSV2 or Herpes Zoster may be the other most typical strain which is the reason for shingles. Herpes affects males, ladies and newborns.

To be able to maintain a sound body you need to know how to get proper care of yourself if you have signs and symptoms and how you can prevent them. If you have breakouts clean the region having a dilution of peroxide. Taking Ascorbic Acid will help with healing and can enhance the defense mechanisms. Eating a healthy diet plan which includes plenty of fruits and vegetable and it is alkaline and awesome is right for you. Avoid alcohol, sugar and smoking. Keep stress low and remain guilt free and concentrate on being balanced. Bathe in awesome water and exercise meditation.

Herpes Natural Home Remedies
